Kuala Lumpur, Sepang to Kota Bharu

There are 18 scheduled flights from Kuala Lumpur, Sepang airport (KUL) to Kota Bharu airport (KBR).

The following airlines fly this route: Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia.

Airline Flight Code Depart Time Arrive Time Days Duration Seats Aircraft
Malaysia Airlines MH 1388 10:55 11:50 M - - - F - S 0h 55m 144 Boeing 737-400 Passenger
Malaysia Airlines MH 1388 10:55 11:50 - - - T - - - 0h 55m 164 Boeing 737-800 Passenger
Malaysia Airlines MH 1388 10:55 11:50 M - W - F - S 0h 55m 144 Boeing 737-400 Passenger
Malaysia Airlines MH 1388 11:10 12:05 - T - - - - - 0h 55m 144 Boeing 737-400 Passenger
AirAsia AK 6434 11:20 12:25 M T W T F S S 1h 5m 180 Airbus Industrie A320
AirAsia AK 6436 13:35 14:35 M T W T F S S 1h 0m 180 Airbus Industrie A320
Malaysia Airlines MH 1396 15:00 15:55 M T - T - S - 0h 55m 164 Boeing 737-800 Passenger
Malaysia Airlines MH 1396 15:00 15:55 #NAME? 0h 55m 144 Boeing 737-400 Passenger
AirAsia AK 6438 15:35 16:35 M T W T F S S 1h 0m 180 Airbus Industrie A320
AirAsia AK 6440 16:40 17:40 M T W T F S S 1h 0m 180 Airbus Industrie A320
Malaysia Airlines MH 1402 18:25 19:20 M - - - F - S 0h 55m 164 Boeing 737-800 Passenger
Malaysia Airlines MH 1402 18:25 19:20 - T W T - S - 0h 55m 144 Boeing 737-400 Passenger
AirAsia AK 6446 21:30 22:30 M T W T F S S 1h 0m 180 Airbus Industrie A320
Malaysia Airlines MH 1426 22:40 23:35 M T W T F S S 0h 55m 164 Boeing 737-800 Passenger
AirAsia AK 6430 6:35 7:35 #NAME? 1h 0m 180 Airbus Industrie A320
Malaysia Airlines MH 1384 7:50 8:45 M - - - F S - 0h 55m 144 Boeing 737-400 Passenger
Malaysia Airlines MH 1384 7:50 8:45 - - - T - - - 0h 55m 164 Boeing 737-800 Passenger
AirAsia AK 6432 8:25 9:30 M T W T F S S 1h 5m 180 Airbus Industrie A320

Check the return route: Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur, Sepang

Route Map

Route map for Kuala Lumpur, Sepang to Kota Bharu
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