KLIA Ups Security after Kim Jong-nam Murder

2nd Mar 2017

A decontamination sweep conducted by the police, the Fire and Rescue Department and the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (ALEB) found no residue traces of the highly-potent VX toxin used to assassinate Kim Jong-nam in the KLIA departure hall on 13th February.

Mr. Jong-nam, half-brother to the North Korean President Kim Jong-un was waiting for to board an AirAsia flight to his home in Macau.

The Kuala Lumpur International Airport operator Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB) was understandably relieved that the sweep found no more toxins at KLIA. MAHB Managing Director Badlisham Ghazali said after an inaugural Hong Kong-KLIA Cathay Dragon flight:

We are very relieved with the outcome of the investigations. We have worked very closely with the police (on) this case. One of the things we wanted (was a) thorough sweep (of) klia2 to ensure there was no residue of hazardous materials (and) that it is free of any form of contamination and is a safe zone. We were very concerned about the threat of VX, because it has been about two weeks since the incident.

He also added:

Additionally, we have also announced that blood tests were done for our customer care personnel who went to the aid of the North Korean victim, and doctors cleared the personnel of any contamination. We will also send any other staff (who may need) to get themselves tested.

KLIA to Conduct an Internal Investigation about Leaked CCTV Footage

Also, Mr. Badlisham said that an internal investigation will be held by MAHB to find out who leaked the CCTV footage of Kim Jong-nam’s killing, as well as how certain foreign news media agencies obtained it.

He also pointed out that the airport has increased its security after the incident, saying:

The site where the attack took place was a public space. Now, we are prepared on how to react to such incidents. Security has been beefed up, not only on our part, but also involving the police and army.

Local police has also held several KLIA personnel for questioning last week, but Mr. Badlisham didn’t want to reveal anything about them.

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